Sapta Sumber Lancar
  1. Please complete all the data below (* must be filled in)
  2. Please do not leave anything blank, if not relevant they can be filled with N / A.
  3. Please note, all our company's credit period is NET 30, except for Wide Flange (WF) products which are NET 14.
  4. If all the data has been completely filled in and all terms and conditions are agreed, then click "Submit"
  5. After you completely filled in all the data, customer will also be asked to upload the documents in the form of "PDF" files
  6. Here are the documents that you must uploaad to our system
    • Company profile / brochure
    • Deed of establishment of company and certificate of MenKumHam and its amendments
    • Deed containing the latest capital structure
    • Deed that contains the current composition of shareholders and a statement of MenKumHam / receipt of notification from MenKumHam
    • Company domicile certificate
    • Company registration certificate (TDP)
    • Business license (SIUP)
    • Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and Taxable Entrepreneur Confirmation Letter (SPPKP)
    • Copy of ID card / Passport of directors and board of commissioners of the company
    • Other material licenses related to the company's line of business
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